Sunday, June 29, 2008


I've had a feeling for a long time that our identities are a lie. We've created them throughout our life and use them to justify our actions, but they inhabit any real ability to enjoy it. They are manifestations. We can just as easily become different people, if we really want. What limits do we truly have? Take a look at the great play writes, actors, and directors, minds who have transcended reality into the heart of human emotion and thinking. They connect to us on levels that often our own families can not achieve!

Others will say to you, "I can't do this, can't do that, because blah blah blah blah." This begs us to question which trait is universal to human beings: Fear or laziness. Is the man sitting on the couch and wasting his life away watching day time soaps and eating Cheeto's lazy, or afraid of the world outside? I've questioned this many times.

Many fear new ideas and change. Others are too lazy to change their world. Thus, so many are satisfied with the status quo; society is sleeping. Look at all the people as they wonder the earth like the living dead, always chasing the carrot on the stick. Part of this phenomena includes the characters we make up for ourselves. These are single minded characters, hiding away the fact we are very deep, rich beings. They protect our emotions and stability, but at the risk of limiting our creative potential.

I just want you to realize that there are things inside you that you don't even know about; a creative, intelligent, caring soul that is sometimes being hidden away. There is always hope. This life isn't about any single person, it's about everybody and everything around you.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

Perhaps this idea will bring some comfort to your world. You and I are one in the same; the only thing that truly separates us is that we perceive different parts of the same continuum. We are part of one big body, everything action creating a reaction. The mind likes the alcohol, and the kidneys are the ones paying the price. The rich like their mansions and their money, and their base is the working class poor; these workers allow the rich to enjoy their fancy lifestyle.

I find comfort in know that everything negative is countered by something positive. For every positive in my life there is somebody experiencing the opposite, and vice-versa. Every moment I'm lonely there is somebody out there satisfied, and every moment I'm with friends I keep my humility by remembering the plights of the suffering.

We are all searching for the same thing: true human connection. That is holiness. The feeling of satisfied fulfillment. When you see a friend's eyes light up during a surprise party . . . hug your father goodbye for college . . . being with someone who makes you forget time and space . . . staring peacefully and happily into a lovers eyes after making love . . . dancing it up at prom . . . head-banging to Metallica . . .

The moments that remind you that you are a living, breathing creature. The times that let you know you are alive!

Are you alive?

How does it feel to be alive!?

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